Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Bedugul tourist area, located in Tabanan regency, offers a soothing atmosphere of the hills and beautiful lakes Tamablingan.

Ever been to Kintamani? It also offers a hill with temperatures around 18 degrees celcius plus a beautiful lake.

To enjoy the beauty of the lake here, enough to rent a speed boat you can get around the lake. Near the lake you can also enjoy lunch at local restaurant with a menu of Indonesia and also international cuisine.

Tired of playing in the lake? You cool off again by visiting Eka Karya Botanical Garden Bedugul while buying a souvenir in the form of strawberry, which is one source of local revenue.

Botanical Garden is one of the protected forest that serves as the lungs of air in Bali, so as to cover operating costs and maintenance, the area is too commercialized.

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