Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kertagosa - Klungkung

Places of interest :: Kertagosa - Klungkung is one of tourist places and destination in Bali, it is an old building of jurisdiction and legislation and is one of the main areas in Bali , below is the information.
Bali's smallest district Klungkung is located between Gianyar and Karangasem. Klungkung itself is a bustling town. On reaching the town centre. Klungklung was the base of the ancient Javanese Hindu Kingdom in Bali, from where the Balinese royalty of today draws its bloodline. It is the oldest kingdom in Bali, with a most exalted Kings.

Kertha Gosa is an old building of jurisdiction and legislation and is one of the main areas in Bali that has been important throughout history in the development of modern Bali. Located within the district of Klungkung in the north of the island and is an excellent and grand old area with amazing history. The words Kertha Gosa mean peaceful announcement which has been the prime focus of the Kertha Gosa throughout history. The inside and outside of the Kertha Gosa and all around it there is some amazing art in the form of paintings and carvings of wood and stone. This is an area unlike the temples of Bali and the feel is very different. Here at the Kertha Gosa the focus is on power and the importance of the legal system as it was here that trials and penalization was carried out. When inside the Kertha Gosa it is easy to feel how it must have been in the old days when the trials and deep discussions on the politics of the area where carried out. The Kertha Gosa is not only of great cultural value but many of the artifacts and artwork that is inside the building has been deemed extremely valuable although obviously it will remain inside.

The Kertha Gosa can be visited as part of tour of the Klungkung area and is an excellent and unique stop off either as part of the organized tour or a separate trip in itself. There are also a few tourist facilities around although generally it is not often visited meaning you may have the place to yourself and will experience minimum hassle form the touts and hawkers that are almost inexistent in Bali.

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